Tri-Ex Tower Co., Inc. – A Triple A Corporation – An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company

The company started business operations in 1974 as a General Engineering/General Building Contractor under its original name, Tri-ex Engineering.

In January 1994, the firm applied for and was duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Corporate Name, Tri-ex Tower Company, Inc.

At present, Tri-Ex has grown into A TRIPLE A Construction Corporation/ Steel Supplier/ Hot Dip Galvanizer/ Service Provider and continues to enhance its tradition of productivity and profitability, and is now the number 1 Designer, Fabricator and Erector of Telecommunication and Broadcast Towers all over the Philippines and one of the best in Asia.


To date, Tri-Ex has served, and is continually rendering services for the most demanding quality standards of giants in the Telecommunications and Broadcasting Industries such as, but not limited to:

GMA Network Inc.; TV5 Network Inc.; PTV 4 People’s Television Network; Eagle Broadcasting Corporation – INC; UNTV; Philippine Sports Commission; Zoe Broadcasting Corporation; Aliw Broadcasting Corporation; Radio Mindanao Network; ABS-CBN; Department of Information and Technology;

Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT); SMART Communications; GLOBE Telecom; Huawei Technologies Philippines, Inc.; Ericsson Telecommunications Philippines; Aviat Networks Philippines Inc. DIGITEL (Sun Cellular); ZTE – Bayantel; Motorolla; UPC Renewables Asia; First Gen Corporation; WI-TRIBE Telecoms Inc.; Energy Development Corporation;

D.M. Consunji Inc. (DMCI), Makati Development Corporation (MDC); Solar Philippines; Eagle Cement Corporation ; Department of Public Works and Highways, and many others.


TRI-EX TOWER CO., INC. was conceived by a vision of one man in reverie of owning a construction company. In realization, this man ventured into his own, thus the birth of Tri-Ex Engineering. Initially, the objective of Tri-Ex Engineering was to engage in and carry on the business of general construction.

In December 11, 1974, the company was registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Bureau of Domestic Trade No. 389892 and registered under “local contractor” status. The PRC Board of Licensing Contractors under No. 2392 also duly licensed it in September 4, 1975, from the original classification of General Engineering and General Building Contractor-Category A by the same board.

Commencing with an initial capitalization of Php 100,000.00 only, TRI-EX has enhanced the tradition of productivity and profitability and emerged as a leading Designer, Fabricator and Erector of Telecommunication Towers of varying types and heights in the entire country.

On January 18, 1994, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved its registration and incorporated TRI-EX ENGINEERING into TRI-EX TOWER COMPANY, INC.

The years 1997-2001 became the milestone years in the company’s growth when it secured itself as one of the leading specialists in the fabrication and erection of various types of structures for the telecommunications and transmission equipment.

To cater to the over-growing needs of the industry, we effected substantial organizational restructuring, technological advancements and plant expansion. We are proud to say that all these reaped us excellent review and consequentially, we were ranked as one of the finest tower fabricators in Asia, and the BEST in the Philippines.


Through our close association with our clients and our unflagging objective of catering to the best interest of our customers, we are able to deliver EXCEPTIONAL customer service, TECHNICAL support as well as QUALITY products at very COMPETITIVE prices.


Customers and even end-users have increasingly recognized TRI-EX Tower Co., Inc. as a growth driven Corporation, capable of handling large-scale Telecommunications Engineering projects.

Moreover, the Organization’s staff and personnel are composed of trustworthy, highly trained and motivated people, while the Management is handled by competent men and women Highly Skilled in their respective fields of specialization. They complement one another with their combined technical and managerial expertise consequently resulting in high quality output at reasonable costs.

Besides the emphasis on quality fabrication, we also deliver first-rate Customer Service and guaranty that the scheduled deliveries of clients are always met. Having come this far, we now look towards the future, armed with an indefatigable objective of attaining greater knowledge and expertise in order to provide Excellent Service NOW and in the future generations to come.